
SimplyCornSwap's Contracts

Our contracts are publicly accessible in the following ​​

  • CORN: 0x11172cfc4332754d19820a65105c16d9201805c3​

  • MasterChef: ​0x5ce71724170cf84505a590015403bcacf79d5f54

  • Timelock: (delay: 24h) 0x45f2e32a4521c7c011144bd54b66abead035625e

  • Chain: BSC

  • CORN: 0x8b6e74ee16132e9fd1693e1be5a5eb148e4b0720​

  • MasterChef: ​0xdb2d66b220f5B998aBd00f8fe9687535Ac17a86C

  • Timelock: (delay: 24h) 0x45f2e32a4521c7c011144bd54b66abead035625e

  • Chain: AVAX

How are our contracts safe?

We have based our implementation in Goose Finance's EGG token and have the following features:

  • 24h timelock added to contract at launch;

  • No migrator code, it was totally removed;

  • Contract audit in the pipeline.

Removed migratator code

Removed from PancakeSwap's MasterChef.sol

​// Set the migrator contract. Can only be called by the owner.

function setMigrator(IMigratorChef _migrator) public onlyOwner {
    migrator = _migrator;

// Migrate lp token to another lp contract. Can be called by anyone. We trust that migrator contract is good.
function migrate(uint256 _pid) public {
    require(address(migrator) != address(0), "migrate: no migrator");
    PoolInfo storage pool = poolInfo[_pid];
    IBEP20 lpToken = pool.lpToken;
    uint256 bal = lpToken.balanceOf(address(this));
    lpToken.safeApprove(address(migrator), bal);
    IBEP20 newLpToken = migrator.migrate(lpToken);
    require(bal == newLpToken.balanceOf(address(this)), "migrate: bad");
    pool.lpToken = newLpToken;

Last updated